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Humanitarian needs are vast, and greater than any single organisation is able to handle. By working together, organisations complement each other and increase overall reach and impact. We also share knowledge and lessons learned to work more effective and efficient.


working Together

Participating in networks

ZOA is actively involved in many partnerships, alliances, and networks for several reasons. One of them, is to share knowledge and learn from each other. ZOA is actively involved in networks on a national, European and global level.

International networks

ZOA is part of the following international networks:

  • CALP Network - The CALP Network is a dynamic global network of over 90 organisations engaged in the critical areas of policy, practice and research in humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and financial assistance more broadly. 
  • CHS alliance – Humanitarian and development actors working on quality, accountability and people management initiatives. Merged from people in Aid, Humanitarian Accountability Partnership and SPHERE (Member)
  • Grand Bargain – ZOA is a signatory to the Grand Bargain; this is an agreement, launched in 2016, between the largest donors, UN agencies and NGOs who have committed to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian action.
  • Integral Alliance – Global alliance of Christian relief and development agencies. ZOA became a member of Integral Alliance in 2015. Integral is a global network of Christian relief and development agencies from across the world. Membership allows partners to work closely together in humanitarian assistance and in sharing expertise and resources (Member).
  • ASIS International - Advancing Security Worldwide

European networks

ZOA is a member of the following European networks:

  • EU-CORD – Platform of European Christian NGOs in relief and development. Christian Organisations in Relief and Development from countries in the European Union set up this network with a desire to create opportunities for and between members. Opportunities to work together towards shared objectives; to form supportive professional relationships; to access EC funding and to influence policy. For ZOA, EUCORD creates a platform to meet with potential partners to form consortia, share knowledge and to receive funding for Emergency Relief Operations (Member)
  • VOICE – Voluntarily Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies; the main NGO interlocutor with the EU on emergency aid and disaster risk reduction (Member)
  • CONCORD – European NGO confederation for relief and development (Member)

Dutch networks

ZOA is part of the following Dutch networks:

  • Partos – Association of Dutch NGOs in international development (Member)
  • Prisma – Association of Dutch Christian NGOs in international development (Member)
  • Goede Doelen Nederland – Branch association of Dutch charity organisations (Member)
  • Dutch Security Network – Knowledge platform on security of Dutch NGOs in humanitarian assistance and/of development aid (Member of the steering committee)
  • AgriProFocus – An international network with Dutch roots that promotes and drives farmer entrepreneurship among farmers and their organisations (Member)
  • Platform Humanitarian Action Netherlands – Platform of Dutch NGOs active in emergency relief (Participant)
  • Knowledge Platform Security and Rule of Law –  This knowledge platform aims to jointly explore innovative approaches to emerging challenges in the field of security and rule of law in fragile and conflict affected contexts
  • Kenniscentrum Humanitaire Hulp – KUNO, Expertise center for humanitarian assistance (Co-founder)
  • LANDac – the Netherlands Land Academy, is a partnership between Dutch organisations and their Southern partners working on land governance for equitable and sustainable development (Member)
  • DCDD - Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development
  • Netherlands Food Partnership
  • Netherlands Water Partnership


We cooperate with other NGOs wherever possible, sharing knowledge and experience on implementation and security, lobbying among policymakers, complementing each other in the implementation of programmes, raising awareness among the public, as well as soliciting for funds.

ZOA's partners